How come I became a mindfulness coach? I once started my career as a course leader of the word processing package WordPerfect and after that I have seen all corners of ICT for years. Full of energy, I could easily handle the entire IT world, until someone tapped me on the shoulders.
That turned out to be the man with the hammer. The following months I tried to recover from a serious burnout and during my period of recovery my wife gave me a basic mindfulness training as a present. In nine weeks I learned to face my problems and that thoughts are not facts. I got to know my limits and that worrying doesn’t offer me a solution.
After the training I wanted to do more with mindfulness. I went to meditation evenings and did the mindfulness compassion training. Mindfulness started to become embedded in my daily life and I noticed the benefits it has every day. My mind is calmer, I take more considered choices, I have become more resilient and more stable. When at one point I had the opportunity to follow the basic training again, I came up with the idea to give training myself and to give up my career in ICT. As a mindfulness coach, I would like to be able to teach what I experience personally, to others.
That is why I followed a training as a mindfulness and compassion coach with Anurag ten Klooster and I developed this website to be able to teach completely new concepts of mindfulness training. Mindfulness for everyone!
Then we decided to emigrate to Sweden. Here we bought a large Villa Villekula and started a small hotel. In this villa we have a meditation room and we organize meditation, yoga and retreats.
With kind regards,
Arjen van Berlo